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  • Writer's pictureHarshit Sharma


The <A> tag called the anchor tag is one of the most important tags used in html .It is used to provie links in Html documents.The anchor tag puts the hyper in hypertext. Hyperlink can point to any resource on web an HTMl page and image a soud file a movie clip etc.

<a name=”anchor name” href=”url” title=”title”>

a name: used as bookmark to tell that it’s a link

<a> as link.


Linking is done in two ways:

Internal linking: The internal linking means linking one part of document to another part of same document.It allows us to add link to another section on same page.

External linking:External linking means linking means linking one Html file to another.

Adding links through an image:

The links can be also added using the image also which means click on the image and move to the next page or the same page.

Title attribute:The title attribute is used to add title to any html document just like a popup.

Changing colour:

The colour of hyperlink is used to change link colours:

<body link=”color”

Alink=”active link”


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