The for Loop can be used for just one statement: for(initialization; condition; iteration) statement; or to repeat a block of code:...
The for Loop can be used for just one statement: for(initialization; condition; iteration) statement; or to repeat a block of code:...
The conditional statement in java is: if if-else else if Nested if Switch if statement:if(condition) { statement sequence } else...
THE INPUT FROM USER IS TAKEN BY THREE METHODS: USING KEYBOARD CLASS: One can create a class, which would contain methods to cater for...
Operator Description Example – given a is 15 and b is 6 + Addition a + b, would return 21 - Subtraction a - b, would return 9 *...
Variables A variable is a place where the program stores data temporarily. As the name implies the value stored in such a location can be...
“Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems (the Java™ technology) that together...
HTML - Rowspan attribute and HTML - Colspan attribute: How to create layouts using tables? Rowspan and Colspan attributes. How to merge...
Table is used to define row and columns .The table is created using the td ,th and tr tag. The <table> tag defines an HTML table. Each...
Lists:The lists are used to specify a order so that we can classify the items based on some numbers or some other formats.Like say that...
The <A> tag called the anchor tag is one of the most important tags used in html .It is used to provie links in Html documents.The anchor...
The image is added in HTML with the help of <IMG> tag which allows us to display the image in an HTML document. The <img> does not have a...
Small :This is used to define text small. Strong:This is used to define text strong. Address:This is used to display the text in the...
Text formatting tags 1.Bold tag <B> This text displays the text in bold face <html> <body> Learn HTML <b>CODEIN</b>one platform </body>...
Body tag The body tag involves various attributes within it which perform various functions.We can change colour of the document we can...
HTML it stands for Hyper text markup language It is used as a simple text formatting language used to create hypertext documents for the...
Recursion:The recursion is a part of functional programming the basic purpose of recursion is self refrence functions calling themselves...
Functional programming:It is basically programming based on functions which are present within the library of the python and how we have...
Dictionaries: These are the other type available in the python which enables us to give value of integer keys within a range.Dictionaries...
What are functions? We have some predefined functions like the print function which is used to perform the function of printing a...
List operations: The item at a certain index in a list can be reassigned . For example: nums=[7,7,7,7,] nums[2]=5 print(nums) Now this...