Lists:The lists are used to specify a order so that we can classify the items based on some numbers or some other formats.Like say that we arrange the name of student in class by name from a-z and roll no 1,2,3 and so on.
The html lists are of two type:
Ordered list
Unordered list
The html list we need to describe the items provides us with a <LI> tag which is given individually to the list items to be included in a list.
Creating ordered list:
Order list is used to generate a precciding letter or number in front of the text based on the type of list specified.The default in the list is numbered in case of ordered.
<ol start=” “ type-“”>
Here start refer to the range from which we want to start our number and the type refer to the type of list we want.
The types are:
1 numbers
A upper alphabet
a lower alphabet
i lower roman
I upper roman
Creating unordered list:
The unordered list is used to create listen and specify a preceding sign with a style. The default style is a bulleted list these can be changed .
Syntax: <ul type=” “>
C Circle
Definition lists
We also have a other ind of list present in html which help us give definitions of the list defined such as glossaries. These include tags:
<dl> tag for definition list
<dt> tag for data term
<dd> tag for data description
Nested List:
We can include one list into another with the help of nested lists.